
Horizontal Remediation Technologies are installed using directional drilling equipment.

Pipe installation benefits using directional drilling include:

Directional Technologies has been advancing the environmental and utility industry for over 30 years. Directional Technologies specializes in effectively implementing remediation technologies with horizontal wells. Horizontal directional drilling, or HDD, is a steerable trenchless method of installing remediation wells and underground pipes. This established and proven method significantly minimizes site disruptions and costly site restoration. Horizontal wells can be designed and installed beneath buildings, and around active facility operations or other obstructions. In many instances, horizontal remediation wells have outperformed their vertical counterparts and accelerated site closure. Horizontal soil vapor extraction (SVE) wells have effectively addressed and provide a horizontal vapor intrusion remedy. Installing horizontal injection wells for in situ chemical oxidation has allowed for larger coverage with significantly less injection points. Horizontal extraction wells have been used for plume control and capture where previously vertical installations failed. With horizontal directional technologies, remedial actions can proceed where previously not considered feasible.