Directional Technologies received a call from a local Connecticut sewer contractor for help installing a sewer lateral into an existing manhole at the Eli Whitney Museum in Hamden. The project site was just around the corner from our CT shop, so Mike Sequino was able to meet with them that day.
Previously, the sewer contractor attempted to open cut the road to add a sewer lateral into an existing manhole, but multiple utilities were discovered, including a high-pressure gas main. Because of the numerous existing utilities, excavating the sewer line was too risky.
Directional Technologies proposed the solution of digging down below the road and placing the rig down to the required height for the sewer invert and directional drilling under the utilities directly into the manhole. This method had the additional benefit of not having to stop traffic on a busy road while work was ongoing.

Calculations were made for depth and pitch, so the pipe invert would enter the manhole at the proper location. As the local sewer contractor was preparing the site for the directional drill rig, the Directional Technologies’ directional drilling crew fabricated and prepared a tool to push the pipe into the manhole and another tool to facilitate the coring of the manhole.
Once the directional drill rig was in place, it only took one day to complete the bore.

In 2005, when this project happened, the solution was cutting edge. Directional Technologies, since its founding in 1992, has provided solutions to unfeasible or difficult projects like this in both the utility and environmental remediation industry.
Directional Technologies has since used this method of installation for both water and sewer projects and continues to develop other specialized installation methods to help you solve challenging situations.