Horizontal Wells Installed for Environmental Site Cleanup
Key elements that make horizontal well technology work and why horizontal wells are a viable remedial solution.
Key elements that make horizontal well technology work and why horizontal wells are a viable remedial solution.
Key factors in planning a Horizontal Remediation Well system.
Important site characteristics for consideration during a horizontal well placement and horizontal well screen design process to provide an effective remediation well system.
Horizontal wells were engineered to function as Horizontal Biosparge Wells in combination with an existing Soil Vapor Extraction system.
Breathing is now easy thanks to installing an Air Sparge and Soil Vapor Extraction system utilizing Horizontal Remediation Wells under row houses.
Directional Technologies’ work at the airport was the stepping-stone that helped create the horizontal remediation industry.
If you are reviewing a remedial application with five (5) or more vertical wells or points, have you considered horizontal wells?
Installation of a 10 single-entry horizontal permanganate injection well system under the future building sites, and 5 single-entry horizontal soil vapor extraction (SVE) under the active dry cleaning facility.
Horizontal wells have physical and functional differences resulting in superior physics of delivery, greater contact and pore volume exchange compared to vertical wells.
Horizontal wells installed without shutting down the road or disrupting operations at a jet fuel supply terminal at the Orlando International Airport.
77 N. Plains Industrial Road
Wallingford, CT 06492
Over 5,000 Horizontal Remediation Wells Installed Worldwide
NAICS Codes: 237990 Heavy Equipment & Horizontal Drilling • 237110 Water & Sewer Line and Related • 541620 Environmental Consulting Services for HRW Screen Design • 237130 Underground Cable Lying & Utility Line Construction
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