Horizontal Wells + Vertical Wells = Site Closure
Site conditions of a leaking oil pipeline made it difficult for vertical wells to target a large plume.
Site conditions of a leaking oil pipeline made it difficult for vertical wells to target a large plume.
A specialty horizontal conduit was needed to cross 9 utilities along the directional bore path at a target depth of 4 feet below ground surface.
A client was concerned that they may not be able to utilize horizontal wells for their project because of difficult lithology. Here’s how we teamed up to implement a time-sensitive remedial solution at a site with a number of challenges waiting just below the surface.
Directional Technologies can provide long-term solutions to underground utility needs without the short-term problems typical of trench installation methods.
By design, horizontal wells have drastically greater contact with contaminated media compared to vertical wells. A horizontal remediation well (HRW) can be designed to have several hundred feet of direct screen contact with a contaminant plume, allowing for more effective delivery of the remediation strategy.
When it comes to managing the migration of contaminant plumes to adjacent properties, choosing the best way to fence in subsurface contamination can often make the difference between a moderate-sized cleanup in the near future and a large-sized cleanup further down the road.
A useful checklist to help you uncover whether Horizontal Remediation Wells are the right tool for improving budget, schedule, and performance on your current project.
Successful horizontal soil vapor extraction (SVE) pilot study leads to full-scale implementation of horizontal multiport SVE wells for methane soil gas remediation of a residential area.
The objective of the horizontal soil sampling was to provide immediate field data to delineate the extent of chlorinated solvent impact beneath the building.
Angled drilling has its place for gaining access under some types surface infrastructure but using horizontal wells instead of angled wells provides significant advantages regarding entry angles, steerable bore paths, and horizontal coverage of the target areas beneath buildings, roadways, runways, and other areas difficult to access.
77 N. Plains Industrial Road
Wallingford, CT 06492
Over 5,000 Horizontal Remediation Wells Installed Worldwide
NAICS Codes: 237990 Heavy Equipment & Horizontal Drilling • 237110 Water & Sewer Line and Related • 541620 Environmental Consulting Services for HRW Screen Design • 237130 Underground Cable Lying & Utility Line Construction
Copyright 2025 Directional Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.