Are you faced with a challenging utility installation scope? One involving waterways, highway crossings, busy intersections, or anywhere trenching is just not an option? Or perhaps trenching is being considered, but high levels of congestion, environmentally sensitive areas with burdensome restoration, or open-cut permitting challenges make it less than ideal?

Directional Technologies has the solution.

Regardless of the extent of work, your project may be of a very critical and technical nature and require what Directional Technologies Inc alone can bring to the table:

  • Rigs ranging from nimble 27,000 lb to powerful 220,000 lb thrust/pull-back which gives you options from service connections to larger sized conduit installations.
  • Trained field crew with OSHA 10 or 30, HAZWOPER 40, and other certifications.
    Safety metrics that substantiate a “safety first” mentality.
  • Thousands of installations through-out the U.S. and internationally.
  • Three top operations managers having a combined 75 years directional drilling experience.
  • Staff with electrical, mechanical, civil engineering and geology backgrounds.