Contamination gets into the soil by two processes, generally. The first way is by percolating downwards as a result of a spill at the surface or from subsurface infrastructure, such as a buried storage tank or conveyance line. The second way contamination gets into the soil is when groundwater below the soil is contaminated with volatile organic carbons (VOCs). These types of contaminants volatilize from groundwater and rise upward into the soil. Horizontal wells are highly efficient at providing remedies, such as soil vapor extraction, to clean up the contamination so that business owners and residents can be worry-free. Read our Case Studies.

Contamination Sources

< Learn what soil vapor is and the effect it can have if left untreated.

Contaminated Soil in High Risk Areas

High-risk contaminated areas, such as tank basins, pipeline right-of-ways, underground storage tanks, and high-traffic regions, present numerous safety hazards for site personnel.

Traditional drilling techniques often make accessing these areas difficult, if not impossible. Consultants tasked with in-situ remediation of these areas are frequently frustrated and discouraged because formulating a safe and efficient plan can be difficult. 

Directional Technologies can install Horizontal Remediation Wells (HRWs) beneath a no-access zone from a safe location and distance to treat the area of concern. Our technology is highly regarded within the environmental industry for its safety benefits. When HRWs are selected as the remedial method, safety hazards encountered on active remediation sites can be mitigated or eliminated.