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    Over 1,000 Horizontal Remediation Wells Installed
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    Simply put, the goal of a dewatering project is to remove more water from the ground in less time. Through horizontal directional drilling techniques, hundreds of linear feet of screen can be installed directly at the target depth to maximize the effectiveness of dewatering on site.

    Dewatering is the process of removing water from subsurface soil or rock conditions, typically to allow construction services to take place efficiently and safely within the work zone. It is performed to lower the water table to create a dry and stable work environment for various surficial and subsurface installations. Dewatering is essential in construction, mining, and environmental remediation projects to ensure that work can proceed safely and efficiently.

    Horizontal wells are a preferred option for dewatering projects for several reasons, but they all boil down to one common theme: efficiency. As opposed to the standard vertical method for dewatering projects, which relies on upwards of hundreds of vertical points spaced just a few feet apart, one horizontal well can contain hundreds of feet of screen to replace the surface-level vertical wells. Through horizontal directional drilling techniques and expert bit-locating technologies, the screen portion of the horizontal well can be installed precisely at the target depth that which dewatering needs to take place. This improves the control of the dewatering process as specific water-bearing layers or zones can be targeted.

    Unlike vertical well points, which have significant piping at the surface that interferes with the associated construction operations, horizontal wells are installed below the work zone. As a result, dewatering can continue as construction takes place above the wells without any obstruction to on-site activities. This also significantly reduces the amount of restoration after the project has reached completion. The wells can easily be abandoned in place, through the proper avenues, or pulled and removed from the subsurface.

    Horizontal wells can also be installed in sensitive areas where vertical systems are not feasible, such as beneath existing buildings or in wetland conditions. The drill rig can be established in a safe, non-invasive location, while still installing the dewatering well directly into the target zone. Once the system is activated, those difficult and problematic areas can easily be remedied by horizontal dewatering wells.

    Through increased well screen and precise installation capabilities, horizontal wells can remove more water in less time for dewatering projects taking place on construction sites, mining, and environmental projects.

    Have a project or interested in learning more about how horizontal remediation can help you achieve site closure? Contact one of our Environmental Experts today!