Directional Drilling Performance

This 20-inch PVC fresh water line is being pulled underground to come up on the other side of the river.

Solving a City’s Water Main Problems

Gloucester, MA, a city split in half by the Annisquam River, has had a notorious history of water main breaks, leaving parts of the city without H20 for an extended period of time. Desperate to solve this long-time problem, the city of Gloucester is working with the prime contractor Aqua Line Utility Contractors and the directional drilling company Directional Technologies to install a 1,200-foot PVC (polyvinyl chloride) water main pipe in hopes of solving their water worries once and for all. While this $2.5 million project initially may have left some tax payers wary, the new water main has already proved to not only be money well spent, but also be the solution to their problems. 

As the Gloucester Times describes the project:

“It’s a very cutting edge approach,” said the senior project manager hired by the city. “It’s a very progressive way to get utilities into the ground.” …The new, giant water main will serve some 70 percent of Gloucester’s residents – including everyone on the city’s island side of the river, and should continue to carry water from Bond Hill to residents for at least 200 years, according to city water engineer Larry Durkin. That’s right, 200 years – nearly double the age of many of the pipes city crews have had to service in the last decade.”

Before the project had completed, the city DPW, Director Mike Hale, had directed “best wishes for a smooth finish and kudos for a job well done,” to Directional Technologies. The second pipe went underground smoothly and efficiently, just as expected. It is safe to say that the city’s history of water main breaks is officially water under the bridge.

Directional Technologies aids in World Trade Center rescue efforts.

Directional Technologies Help Enlisted at Ground Zero

Directionally drilled utility conduits are protected from ambient environmental conditions during installation as well as long-term use. In addition to the construction benefits, directionally installed lines have a useful life expectancy and service requirement similar to that of trenched lines and superior to that of exposed lines.