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    Fiber Optics

    Utility fiber lines are the most reliable way to transmit information, and horizontal directional drilling is the most reliable way to install them. Whether installing fiberoptics for an entire neighborhood, or an entire city, horizontal drilling can avoid unnecessary trenching and costly restoration.

    Utility fiber optic installations involve laying cables that transmit data as light signals, allowing for high-speed internet and communication services. These cables are often laid underground to protect them from environmental factors and physical damage. The installation process generally includes planning, surveying, and installing the fiber optic cables, followed by connecting and testing the network.

    The surveying stage may seem less important than the other steps, but for a safe utility fiber optic installation, it is critical. Surveying involves locating and marking the location and depth of existing utilities and other subsurface features so that they can be avoided during the installation process. It does not help to install a fiber optics line if it goes through an existing water main.

    Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is the best method to install fiber lines due to the precise three-dimensional control the technology provides to avoid existing infrastructure.

    Utility fiber optic lines are often installed in urban areas, where there are many existing utilities, and excavations are highly intrusive. Through HDD, there is minimal surface disruption as the borehole is advanced underground. It is a common situation that the installation of fiber optics in one building via traditional trenching techniques affects many other properties. It may require tearing up the sidewalk, roadways, or lawns. HDD can help avoid unnecessary digging and associated restoration by installing the fiber optics line discreetly below the ground. The best part is, that most will not even know that the utility lines are being installed at all.

    Horizontal directional drilling techniques are the preferred method for utility fiber optic line installations. In the long run, the HDD application is both time-efficient and cost-effective.

    Have a project or interested in learning more about how horizontal remediation can help you achieve site closure? Contact one of our Environmental Experts today!