Directional Technologies a global leader in Horizontal Remediation Well (HRW) technologies and Horizontal Directional Directional Drilling (HDD), hosted a Horizontal Remediation Well Workshop in Chicago, Illinois.  HRW technology has improved significantly over the past five years. The workshop  discusses improvements in horizontal technology and how it can be applied to improve site clean-up. Course topics and discussions included onsite considerations when using horizontal wells versus vertical wells, soil vapor extraction with horizontal wells, In Situ chemical oxidation, drilling fluids, and blind versus continuous horizontal remediation wells.

Hear from attendees of our HRW Workshops in Florida, Massachusetts and New Jersey and New York
“Excellent presentation with good visuals, which helped better understand the technical information. The experience and knowledge made for a more effective presentation.” – Tampa Workshop Attendee
“I liked the fact that the presenters are practicing users of the technology presented. This is one of the best continuing education classes I have attended.” – Boston Workshop Attendee
“Excellent workshop. Very informative. The presenters were well prepared. Enjoyed it very much – good job!” – New Jersey/New York Workshop Attendee