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  • Over 1,000 Wells

    Over 1,000 Horizontal Remediation Wells Installed
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    Horizontal Well Resources

    An Advanced Solution to Hydraulic Control

    Horizontal wells are often associated with soil vapor extraction, air sparging, and  injections due to their ability to provide access...
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    Let’s Talk About Money

    The budget is always a critical driving factor for remedial decisions, so let’s talk about money. At a basic level,...
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    HRWs Often Associated with Accessing Inaccessible Areas

    Horizontal remediation wells (HRWs) are often most associated with accessing seemingly inaccessible areas of a site, such as beneath active...
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    The Discovery Process of Horizontal Remediation Wells

    Investigating an unfamiliar technology can be intimidating, but exploring horizontal remediation wells (HRWs) with Directional Technologies, Inc. (DTI) is painless. ...
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    Data Gap Elimination with Horizontal Soil Sampling

    Horizontal Drilling Techniques Offer Significant Advantages When Delineating Contamination Horizontal drilling techniques offer significant advantages when delineating contamination, particularly on...
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    Positives and negatives of buying or selling a contaminated property

    A common reason potential clients reach out to environmental consultants is because they are assessing the positives and negatives of...
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    Design Alterations for Successful Remedial Results

    In 2022, Directional Technologies provided horizontal well design alterations for successful remedial results at a bulk fuels facility in North...
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    Difference between remediation directional drilling and utility directional drilling

    As consultants continue exploring the benefits of horizontal remediation wells, they are often confronted with deciphering the difference between remediation...
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    Targeting NAPL Hotspots with Horizontal Remediation Wells

    Targeting non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) hotspots with horizontal remediation wells is an effective way to enhance remediation and prevent downgradient...
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    Exposure Pathway Elimination with Horizontal Remediation Wells

    Physical site constraints, in combination with shallow groundwater, have led more consultants to target exposure pathway elimination with horizontal remediation...
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    Mitigate Vapor Intrusion with Access Limitations

    How do you mitigate vapor intrusion with access limitations due to source area contamination residing beneath a large commercial building?...
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    Expanding the ROI and Closing the Remedial Gap with Horizontal Remediation Wells

    While horizontal drilling techniques offer substantial advantages over vertical practices in terms of physical access to the plume, a more...
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    Advantages of Blind Installations of Horizontal Remediation Wells

    As consultants continue to explore the benefits of horizontal remediation wells, they are often pleasantly surprised to learn about the...
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    Buying a Property on Contaminated Land

    Buying a property on contaminated land requires swift remediation in order to increase property value. Read on to learn more...
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    A More Effective Bioremediation Approach via Horizontal Injection Wells

    Increasingly, consultants are choosing to implement a more effective bioremediation approach via horizontal injection wells. Horizontal remediation wells offer the...
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    Horizontal Bioremediation Using Advances in Horizontal Wells

    Horizontal Bioremediation at a Military Base By Tomas Will, Sr. Environmental Scientist When faced with replacing a horizontal bioremediation system...
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    Horizontal Bioremediation

    Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is one of the most effective methods to remediate certain types of subsurface contamination. Read on...
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    Using Horizontal Wells for Remediation

    Selecting the best way to implement a remediation technology is one of the most important factors that affect remediation performance....
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    Contaminated Soil Remediation

    Soil contamination often requires further intervention beyond a simple excavation to achieve remediation goals. Read on to learn more about...
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    Challenging Hydrocarbon Remediation in an Urban Setting

    By Tomas Will, Sr. Environmental Scientist   At a site in the southeastern US, petroleum release incidents from leaking gasoline...
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    Have a project or interested in learning more about how horizontal remediation can help you achieve site closure? Contact one of our Environmental Experts today!