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  • Over 1,000 Wells

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    Horizontal Well Resources

    Environmental Horizontal Well Screens Solve Subslab Problems

    Faced with a variety of subslab problems, environmental managers are turning to horizontal drilling technology at a growing number of...
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    First ever horizontally drilled Electrical Resistance Heating system!

    Directional Technologies, Inc. has once again transferred a technology that is typically used with vertical remediation systems to a horizontal...
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    Directional Technologies and Horizontal Wells: Rapid Gasoline Release Clean-Up

    Directional Technologies and Horizontal Wells together achieved Rapid Clean-Up of R&D Facility Gasoline Release - A Horizontal Soil Vapor Extraction and...
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    First horizontally drilled Electrical Resistance Heating System!

    Horizontal Drilling for Electrical Resistance Heating System Aggressive removal of dense non-aqueous liquid (DNAPL) phase tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) under...
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    Horizontal Well – Bentonite-Based Drilling Muds vs Bio-Polymers

    The "Straight Skinny" on Bentonite-Based Drilling Muds and Their Standard Practice Use in the Horizontal Well Industry Let’s make our...
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    Post-Closure Analysis Proves Success of Enhanced Hydrocarbon Bioremediation Using Twelve Horizontal Sparge Wells at Petroleum Products Bulk Terminal

    Post-Closure Analysis Proves Success of Enhanced Hydrocarbon Bioremediation Using Twelve Horizontal Sparge Wells at Petroleum Projects Bulk Terminal Michael Sequino...
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    Achieving Delivery Goals with Engineered Horizontal Screens

    Paper E-037, in: Bruce M. Sass (Conference Chair), Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds—2008. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference...
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    Horizontal Soil Vapor Extraction and Horizontal Air Sparge Well Case Study- Installation to remediated site closure

    Horizontal Wells allow Rapid Clean-up of R&D Facility Gasoline Release   Background A Research and Development facility in central New...
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    Enhanced Delivery of Potassium Permanganate Using Horizontal Remediation Wells

    Potassium Permanganate Using Horizontal Remediation Wells  Enhanced Delivery of Potassium Permanganate Using Horizontal Remediation Wells - Paper E-036, in: Bruce...
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    Remembering 9/11: Directional Technologies in World Trade Center Rescue Effort

    On Sept. 13th 2001, Kathy Sequino’s telephone rang. It was the New York Department of transportation. The man on the...
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    Horizontal Soil Vapor Extraction

    Horizontal Soil Vapor Extraction and Horizontal Air Sparge Well Case Study. Installation to remediated site closure. Horizontal Wells allow Rapid...
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    Benefits Of Horizontal Wells

    BARRIER AIR SPARGING Why Air Sparging? Quick Refresher: air sparging (AS) is a proven groundwater remediation technique that removes volatile...
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    Directional Technologies, Inc. conducts unique horizontal remediation well installation in Railroad Yard

    Background The Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) Morris Park Yard, located at the Intersection of Atlantic Avenue and 121st Street...
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    Horizontal Air Sparging Wells Solve Access Limitations Beneath Air Field Tarmac

    Air Force Base tarmac is a double-edged sword with respect to environmental remediation. Concrete thicker than at commercial airports virtually...
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    Radial Horizontal Well System Targets Specific LNAPL Viscosities in Multiple Product Plume

    Radial Horizontal Well System Targets Specific LNAPL Viscosities in Multiple Product Plume

    Directional drill rig tucked in corner while normal business activities continue Directional Technologies, Inc. designed and installed a radial horizontal...
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    Directional Drilling Experts Install 3 Horizontal Remediation Wells in Cobble

    The Issue An active retail gas station next to a wetland area had benzene and trimethylbenzene plumes in a water...
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    Plume Control under a City Building – Vapor Intrusion Mitigation

    Vapor Intrusion Mitigation with Horizontal Remediation Wells Subsurface remediation in a big city setting is complicated. Limited work space, heavy...
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    How much does a Horizontal Remediation Well cost?

    In the early days of horizontal remediation wells, the estimated costs made many projects completely unfeasible. However, with the advance...
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    Horizontal Well Installation Under Busy Intersection

    Horizontal Well Installation Under Busy Intersection The Issue A retail gasoline station in Tallahassee Florida with leaking underground storage tanks...
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    Time-Tested Advantages of Horizontal Wells

    Wells are wells are wells, right? Both conventional vertical wells and directionally drilled horizontal wells have a screened casing that...
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    Have a project or interested in learning more about how horizontal remediation can help you achieve site closure? Contact one of our Environmental Experts today!