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    Over 1,000 Horizontal Remediation Wells Installed
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    Horizontal Well Resources

    Field Proven Advantages of Horizontal Remediation Wells

    Wells are wells are wells right? Wrong! Both conventional vertical wells and directionally drilled horizontal remediation wells have a screen...
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    How Do you Install a Remediation System at a Facility that Never Shuts Down?

    Call in an experienced environmental directional driller to install seven horizontal bio sparge wells for a bulk fuel terminal in...
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    A Horizontal Remediation Well System and a Football Field

    Horizontal Remediation Well System system technology was challenged on an In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) project. The impacts encompassed the approximate size...
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    Is Bigger Better? A Smaller Horizontal AS/SVE Well System’s Answer

    Directional Technologis, Inc. installed a Horizontal AS/SVE Well System at a site originally planned to have a 36-vertical well system...
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    In and Out- Multiple Horizontal Soil Samples under Building

    The Challenge Presented: An environmental consultant engaged Directional Technologies, Inc. (DTI) to collect a series of discrete, soil samples beneath...
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    Directional Drilling solves a City’s Water Main Problems

      Directional Technologies, Inc. pulls back the drill rods that are attached to a 20-inch PVC fresh water line. Gloucester,...
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    How Deep Can a Horizontal Well be Drilled?

    During our environmental remediation technical presentations at International Conferences, Directional Technologies is frequently asked, “How Deep can a Horizontal Well...
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    Go Where No Well Has Gone Before and Drill Horizontally!

    Your client calls saying an underground storage tank (UST) used to store gasoline has failed, releasing thousands of gallons under...
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    Horizontal Environmental Well Design Meets Multiple Objectives under Large Manufacturing Building

    Brownfields redevelopment hasn't gotten any easier under the new Vapor Intrusion regulations. Source that could previously be left in place...
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    Horizontal Remediation Wells used in Order to Preserve Military Security

    Horizontal Remediation Wells used in Order to Preserve Military Security

    Project Description:  Remediate a plume of trichloroethylene (TCE) under multiple military buildings by two types of horizontal remediation wells: air...
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    Soil Sampling under Buildings and Solving Vapor Intrusion using Directional Drilling

    "Their drilling rigs outside of the building drilled continuous well bores, first through the 6-inch concrete footer and then through...
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    Enhanced Vapor Intrusion Mitigation via Horizontal Remediation Wells

    Where Is Vapor Intrusion a Concern? Vapor Intrusion is a potential concern at any building - existing or planned, located...
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    Horizontal Air Sparging Wells and Horizontal Soil Vapor Extraction Wells Successfully treat DNAPL in Source Zone

    Stainless Steel Horizontal Air Sparging Well Screen  A 1000-gallon trichloroethylene (TCE) spill created an 800-foot long, narrow plume in saprolite...
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    Conquering a Busy Intersection to Install Horizontal Remediation Well and Protect Indoor Air

    It is an unfortunate consequence of the clustering of commercial businesses such as gas stations, automotive service shops, and dry...
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    400′ Horizontal Well Radius of Influence

    Directional Technologies, Inc. was contracted to design and install a horizontal well soil vapor mitigation system.  A Horizontal Well with...
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    Horizontal Drilling Brings Site Closure

    Horizontal Wells Horizontal Remediation Wells use horizontal drilling technology to remediate contaminants in soils and groundwater.  It is usually a...
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    Directional Drilled Horizontal Wells and Engineered Horizontal Remediation Wells Screens Accelerate Site Closure

    Garry Van Heest, Directional Technologies Inc., North Plains Industrial Drive, Wallingford, CT, USA, Michael Sequino, Directional Technologies Inc., North Plains...
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    Horizontal Wells to Remediate Historically Challenged Site

    Presented in May 2012, at the Eighth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds by AMEC Foster Wheeler...
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    Site Remediation Using Horizontal Air Sparge (AS)/ Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE), and Multiphase Extraction (MPE) Wells

    At the 2010 Florida Remediation Conference, Directional Technologies discussed the following horizontal well presentation: "Site Remediation Using Horizontal Air Sparge...
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    First Horizontal Dual Phase Extraction Well Installed in South Korea

    Directional Technologies assists Samsung Corporation with innovative horizontal remediation well installation for the Yongsan District "Dream Hub" Project in Seoul,...
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    Have a project or interested in learning more about how horizontal remediation can help you achieve site closure? Contact one of our Environmental Experts today!