Directional Technologies is always up for a challenge and so far we have been able to meet the required depth for all the horizontal remediation well projects that have been presented to us. That being said, there are two factors to keep in mind when planning and considering a deep horizontal well for environmental remediation.
Set back and cost
For each horizontal well, a setback distance is needed. Setback is the distance required from ground penetration to target depth; the typical ratio is 5 horizontal feet of set back for every foot of vertical penetration. For example, if the target depth is 75’ bgs, the directional drill rig would begin drilling 375’ away from the target point. See the illustration below. On some sites, there may not be enough room for the required set back. However, Directional Technologies often “bends the rules” and has installed horizontal wells for environmental remediation with set backs less than 5 for 1 that were previously considered impossible to install. Creativity in horizontal well bore path planning and thoroughly knowing our equipment capability enables us to expand the limits of the horizontal well “technology envelope”.
Costs become a factor when the horizontal well depth exceeds 100’. At this depth threshold, the traditional walk over locator reaches its technology limits and it becomes necessary to employ wire line locator instrumentation (oil field technology) to remotely sense drill bit location. Wire line technology is more labor intensive and requires more equipment than the walk over locator and is therefore more expensive but also very accurate.
Directional Technologies is the nation’s expert horizontal remediation well drilling contractor. Contact us today for your horizontal remediation well installation and/or design services.