Horizontal well hydraulics is a science like no other.

Conventional aquifer hydraulics are based on vertical wells, and why wouldn’t they be? After all, the analytical solutions were established for wells when drill rigs were drilling vertically downward!

Today, drilling is phenomenal. Drilling technologies are essentially limitless in terms of direction, depth, multiple wells in a single borehole entry point, minimal footprint, etc. 

But predicting well production rates of a horizontal well is unlike calculating yield in a vertical well. The analytic solutions for horizontal wells are limited, while three-dimensional numeric models are cumbersome in view of the high degree of grid resolution required near the horizontal well (or laterals of a radial collector well).

If that isn’t daunting enough, constraints for horizontal well production occur in lots of ways. It’s not just geologic conditions that can wreak havoc for uncertain production rates, but other factors too cause constraints. It’s better to be prepared with informed planning in contrast to troubleshooting a poorly producing well.

Midwest GeoSciences Group is tackling this challenge.  We are taking a big first step to unraveling the complexities of horizontal well hydraulics by announcing a two-part webinar series dedicated to this special topic:

CONSULTANTS AND REGULATORS will benefit from this webinar series because it presents the practical steps for designing and constructing horizontal wells and radial collector wells. 

Both instructors are uniquely qualified for teaching both the basics and advances about horizontal well hydraulics.  Dr. Henk Haitjema is Professor Emeritus from University of Indiana who taught ground water flow modeling. He is Editor-In-Chief of NGWA’s Groundwater and is the author of the popular groundwater model “GFLOW” and the book “Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow” (Academic Press, 1995). Mr. Michael Sequino is Senior Vice President and Principal Engineer at Directional Technologies and has installed over 1,000 horizontal wells in about every type of geologic formation possible, so he is aware of the possibilities during both construction and production.

Take your work to the next level and learn to master:

The 2-part webinar series begins on December 10, 2019 @ midwestgeo.com

Use the Promotion Code SEQUINO-VIPDISCOUNT100 to deduct $100 during registration before December 6, 2019. Register here

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