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    Renewable Electric Charging

    Renewable electric charging stations rely on effective infrastructure for connection to the power source. Horizontal directional drilling plays a crucial role in keeping electric vehicles charged and on the road by installing the necessary conduits safely and without surface-level interruptions.

    Renewable electric charging stations are facilities where electric vehicles (EVs) can recharge their batteries using electricity generated from renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, or geothermal power. These stations are a crucial component of the infrastructure needed to support the growing number of electric vehicles on the road, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by ensuring that the energy used to charge EVs is clean and sustainable. These charging stations, however, require a significant amount of cabling and conduit installations in order to route the power sources to where they need to be.

    Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a trenchless method used to install underground utilities and infrastructure such as electrical cables, pipelines, and conduits, without the need for extensive surface excavation. HDD is particularly beneficial for the installation of renewable electric charging stations by avoiding surface-level disruptions, routing around and under obstacles, and preserving sensitive areas.

    Many EV charging stations are established in well-traveled areas, such as rest stops or hotel parking lots. If traditional trenching methods were used to install the associated electrical conduits, it would require significant destruction to the parking lot and general landscaping. The associated restoration costs that come with trenching can add up fast, as surface conditions need to be returned to their pre-existing state. A horizontal drill rig, on the other hand, can be set up in a location that is out of the way, while still drilling and installing the subsurface conduits with precision. Restoration efforts and costs are significantly reduced since only an entry-pit and exit-pit are required for horizontal directional drilling installations.

    Whether the cabling lengths are a couple of tens of feet or hundreds to thousands of feet, HDD is a clean and precise method to connect renewable electric charging stations to the power source.

    Horizontal directional drilling is an efficient and environmentally friendly way to install underground infrastructure for renewable electric charging stations.

    Have a project or interested in learning more about how horizontal remediation can help you achieve site closure? Contact one of our Environmental Experts today!