By Tomas Will, Sr. Environmental Scientist

What do Engineering News-Record’s top 5 ranked environmental engineering and consulting firms have in common? You may not have guessed it, but every one of them has used Directional Technologies to install horizontal remediation wells on multiple projects. When do these firms choose horizontal wells, and why have they continued to use them over so many years? Directional Technologies has 28 years of project records that provide useful insights.

When are horizontal wells selected? What applications are used?

The project sites where these top firms opted to use horizontal wells include industrial facilities, military bases, landfills, oil refineries, gas stations, dry cleaners, and various other sites. Horizontal wells were used on projects ranging from the most complex Superfund sites to properties with a single leaking UST. The remediation approaches were just as varied, with the selected methods including air sparging, soil vapor extraction, injections, which include ISCO/ISCR, pump and treat, bioremediation, and thermal.

Horizontal Wells installed globally
Directional Technologies has designed and installed horizontal remediation wells globally.

Where do horizontal wells get used?

The data shows that horizontal remediation wells have been selected for use in every region of the continental United States and internationally. To find solutions to the problems that top consultants have had to contend with, new technologies and techniques have been developed by Directional Technologies over the last three decades to more effectively address challenging geological formations. Consultants have relied on horizontal remediation wells to perform in fractured bedrock, competent bedrock, saprolite, tight clay, and boulder-filled material. When approached with the proper expertise, equipment, and well designs, these projects saw remediation system performance that led to successful site closures.    

What makes horizontal wells so widespread?

Not only have these top firms used Directional Technologies to install hundreds of horizontal remediation wells over the previous three decades. In the last few years, these top firms have continued to use horizontal wells more frequently than ever.  A review of data for the work that the industry’s top consultants have done with us shows that the reasons for using horizontal wells are as diverse as the projects where they have been installed. If a single common factor exists for why top consultants choose Directional Technologies to design and install horizontal wells on their projects, it’s that the results these remediation systems produce are proven, repeatable, and compelling.

Do you want to take advantage of the same remediation system performance that the top-rated environmental firms in the country have been relying on for years? Call our horizontal remediation well experts at 1-877-788-4479 to discuss your current project needs.

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