Our client needed a conduit to bring water to a new Chic-Fil-A in Wallingford, CT.  The problem was the required conduit had to cross busy Route 5. The project was additionally complicated by an urban situation of no setup space.  A standard directional bore path needs 5 horizontal feet to every 1 vertical foot to get to the specified depth. This ratio is commonly referred to as the setback. 

This underground utility project was in a commercially dense area that did not provide the setback needed.  Both obstacles were eliminated by digging a pit for the directional drill.  The directional drill was able to begin the bore 5’ below ground surface and drill under Route 5 at the required depth. 

The necessary conduits were successfully installed without any traffic disruptions, and the Wallingford Chick-Fil-A continues to prosper. 

To find out more ways to get around the standard 5:1 setback, and help your project move forward, call our experience CT directional drilling experts at 203-294-9200.

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