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    Gas Lines

    Utility gas lines can come in a range of materials and sizes, and horizontal directional drilling is a safe and accurate method for their installation. Common obstructions like existing utility lines, roadways, and waterways can easily be avoided through expert locating and drilling to precisely install the gas conduit.

    A utility gas line transports natural gas or propane to homes and businesses. Typically, they are made from materials that are both durable and resistant to corrosion and pressure. Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is a trenchless technology used to install utility gas lines and other underground pipes without the need for extensive excavation.

    Due to the potential safety concerns of installing gas lines, particularly the flammable nature of natural gas or propane, there is significant regulatory compliance that must be fulfilled during the installation process. Gas line installations must comply with strict local, state, and federal regulations. These regulations cover everything from the types of materials used to the depth of burial and the required inspections. Through decades of experience installing conduits through HDD techniques, Directional Technologies can ensure that the gas pipe material is installed at the proper depth and within the correct parameters to satisfy regulators.

    Like sewer lines, gas lines are installed underground, so the same challenges apply: excavation in difficult soil, avoiding other utilities, and proper backfilling to prevent shifting or damage to the line. HDD helps to avoid many of these difficulties by installing the gas piping directly into the subsurface, with no excavation required. This is particularly useful in situations where the trenching or excavation may cause significant surface restoration after the installation.

    Many subsurface utilities are planned to be installed along or beneath existing infrastructure, such as rights-of-way or roadways. Utility gas lines, however, can be very small in diameter and require directionally adverse installations. It is in these situations that HDD can simplify the process. Existing subsurface utilities can be navigated around, even in heavily urban environments, and the small lines can be installed without the need for heavy excavation.

    Horizontal directional drilling techniques are the preferred method for utility gas line installations. In the long run, the HDD application is both time-efficient and cost-effective.

    Have a project or interested in learning more about how horizontal remediation can help you achieve site closure? Contact one of our Environmental Experts today!