What are Horizontal Injection Wells?
Horizontal Injection Wells are horizontal borings into which risers and screens are introduced. Directional Technologies, Inc. specializes in installing horizontal
wells with highly specialized directional drilling remediation crews
and equipment.
What Are Horizontal Injection Wells Constructed Of?
Horizontal Injection Wells are constructed of the same types of materials typically found in vertical well environmental applications including: polyvinylchloride (PVC), high density polyethylene (HDPE), fiberglass and stainless steel. The selection of the well material for Horizontal Injection Wells are generally based on the types of chemical constituents that the material will be exposed to in the subsurface (and for how long)and well length. Typically, the longer the well the greater the stress on the pipe as it is introduced into the bore (due to friction and compression forces).
What Can I Introduce Into A Horizontal Injection Well?
Any liquid or gas that can be introduced into a vertical well can be successfully introduced. This includes in situ chemical oxidation
(ISCO) reagents, bioremediation materials, chemical grouts, chemical fixing
reagents, surfactants, air, oxygen, ozone, etc.
How Long And How Deep Can Horizontal Injection Wells Be Made?
When designed and installed by the skilled and experienced horizontal environmental drilling professionals at Directional Technologies, Inc., they could feasible be over 1,000 feet long and well over 100 feet deep, in overburden and bedrock.
How Do I know That I will Achieve Uniform Flow (Or Vacuum) Over The Entire Screen Length?
Directional Technologies, Inc., works with a PhD Hydrogeologist to design our well screens. The proprietary design process was developed over a number of years. The mechanical analysis consists of three basic elements: pipe flow, orifice (slot) flow, and formation flow. The analysis consists of iterative calculations along the well screen, generating the following key mechanical parameters: 1) Pressure along the screen; 2) Flow through the screened pipe; and 3) Injection of air into the formation (both
incremental and cumulative).
Our well screen design program uses an iterative computational process to determine the degree of uniformity of flow along the well screen. The design goal is to provide
uniform injection of air into the formation, within acceptable tolerance ranges. The program simulates air moving down the well, through the slots, and into and through the formation. The results are used to determine the necessary open area along the well screen, and to indicate if the open area needs to vary along the screen in order to achieve an acceptable degree of uniformity of flow.

For a recent case study on horizontal injection wells, click on the above tab for Symposium Presentations and look for the article Enhanced Delivery of Potassium Permanganate Using Horizontal Wells. This case study describes the process of delivery 1.3 million gallons of Permanganate using horizontal injection wells.
Directional Technologies, Inc. has been installing horizontal remediation systems for over 20 years and is the nation’s expert horizontal remediation well drilling contractor. Please contact us at drilling@directionaltech.com or 203-294-9200 to learn more about our capabilities.