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  • Over 1,000 Wells

    Over 1,000 Horizontal Remediation Wells Installed
  • Geographic Reach

    Geographic Reach: Worldwide
  • horizontal remediation technologies
    Horizontal Remediation Technologies are installed using directional drilling equipment

    Horizontal Remediation Technologies are typically in environmental remediation methodologies and/or processes that are deployed using horizontal remediation wells.

    Are Vertical Remediation Technologies Compatible With Horizontal Remediation Wells?

    Absolutely!  Whatever technology that can be deployed using vertical wells, these same remediation technologies can be deployed using horizontal remediation wells.  Directional Technologies, Inc. has found over the years that horizontal remediation technologies are typically more effective or achieve site closure more rapidly than when the same technologies are deployed using vertical wells.  This is because horizontal remediation well screens are in contact a much greater surface area of the plume than with vertical wells.

    Do Horizontal Remediation Technologies Involve Special Design Consideration?

    Horizontal Remediation Technologies typically involve higher flow rates than corresponding vertical systems owing to the aforementioned longer well screens.

    Are There Limitations On The Remediation Technologies That Can Be installed?

    No.  Directional Technologies, Inc. has successfully installed the following Horizontal Remediation Technologies:  Air Sparge/Soil Vapor Extraction, Biosparging, Bioslurping, In Situ Chemical Oxidation, Dual Phase Extraction, Six Phase Heating, Bioamedment Injection and Vapor Intrusion Mitigation.  We are constantly assessing the feasibility of using emerging remediation technologies and/or Horizontal Remediation Technologies in new, innovative ways.

    Are There Cost Advantages With Horizontal Remediation Technologies?

    Yes, but each project site obviously needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  That said there are many instances where it is less expensive to use Horizontal Remediation technologies than their vertical counterparts.  This is especially true when surficial (or near surface) interconnecting piping is required to connect a vertical technology in a high hazard area, such as an air sparge/soil vapor extraction system at a retail petroleum site.

    For recent cases study on horizontal remediation technologies and/or horizontal remediation well systems, click on the above tab for Symposium Presentations.   There are case studies for many environmental applications.

    Directional Technologies, Inc. has been installing horizontal remediation technologies for over 20 years and is the nation’s expert horizontal remediation well drilling contractor.  Please contact us at drilling@directionaltech.com or 203-294-9200 to learn more about our capabilities.